October 15, 2008

1984 "Stage Design" Costume Drawings 2008

All the characters and their costumes in 1984.

Winston Smith, the novel's protagonist, is staunchly against the Party. He finds unobtrusive methods to rebel, or at least he believes them to go unnoticed. He main desire is to remain human under inhuman circumstances.

The Thought Police are the secret police of Oceania the novel 1984. It is the job of the Thought Police to uncover and punish thoughtcrime and thought-criminals, using psychology and omnipresent surveillance from telescreens to find and eliminate members of society who were capable of the mere thought of challenging ruling authority. The government attempts to control not only the speech and actions, but also the thoughts of its subjects, labeling unapproved thoughts with the term thoughtcrime, or, in Newspeak, crimethink. It was the thought police that had arrested Winston and Julia.

Winston's love-interest and ally. Julia also works in the Ministry of Truth. She is against the Party's doctrines, but she merely wants to break the rules, not change the society.

A Newspeak expert who works with Winston in the Ministry of Truth and is vaporized later on.

Member of the Inner Party. A mysterious figure, OBrien is at once Winston's enemy and his ally and this is the reason for Winston's ultimate indoctrination to the Party. O'Brien is a personification of the Party' and much of the Party's doctrine is revealed through him.

O'Briens servant.

Owner of the shop where Winston rents the room and a member of the Thought Police.

The Parsons are Winston's neighbors. Tom Parsons who ends up (both tortured) in the Ministry of Love with Winston, turned in by his own children.

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